Is chiropractic care safe?
According to a study by the New Zealand government chiropractic is “remarkably safe”. In relation to neck and back pain, studies have found that a course of chiropractic care was 250 times safer than a course of anti-inflammatory drugs.
How long is it likely to take for me to get better?
This is based on the individual and their circumstances although complete healing often takes time, especially in older patients or those with a complicated/lengthy medical history or under excessive levels of stress. Some patients symptoms respond very well and resolve in 1 or 2 visits. On the other hand, if you have had a condition for several months or years it may take a number of visits over weeks or months to get stability with your condition and to minimise the likelihood of a recurrence. For best outcomes avoid activities that aggravate your symptoms, eat a balanced diet, ensure you get adequate sleep, keep well-hydrated and follow any recommendations given to you by your chiropractor. People often choose to come in for maintenance care periodically to keep themselves on track and functioning at their best.
What happens at the initial consultation?
A thorough history is taken followed by a neurological, orthopaedic and biomechanical assessment. The appointment is 45 mins long and allows the chiropractor to determine the best course of action for you. If chiropractic care is appropriate you will be adjusted on this visit (unless imaging is required first).Please bring along to the initial appointment any relevant reports, x-rays, scans or test results. Subsequent visits are approximately 20 mins long.
What should I wear?
Loose comfortable clothing that can be moved around easily is preferred. Aside from when working with infants, we normally don’t need to remove any clothing.
Will I need x-rays?
Only if an underlying condition, disease or significant postural abnormalities are suspected will x-rays or imaging be required. X-rays can usually be bulk billed so you won’t be out of pocket. Some types of scans can be bulk billed whereas others require payment.
What about chiropractic for babies/kids?
The primary technique used at Woy Woy Chiropractic (NIP) was specifically designed for use on babies and children and the adjusting is extremely light. Excellent results are often experienced by kids receiving this type of care.
Can I claim through my private health fund?
Our on-site healthpoint EFTPOS terminal allows claiming with over 30 health funds if you’re covered for chiropractic and bring your health fund card. Contact your health fund if you require details on your rebate or level of cover.
Does medicare cover any of the cost?
Generally not. You may be eligible for a partial or full rebate on up to 5 chiropractic consultations if you have an EPC referral from your GP. This may be of relevance if you have a chronic (long term) health condition.
Can I call to have a chat about chiropractic first?
Absolutely. At Woy Woy Chiropractic we welcome questions and open communication. We are happy to have a phone appointment for 5-10 mins to determine if the chiropractic care we provide is appropriate for you and your circumstances.